Sunday, September 29, 2013

New vaguely "famous" people I've recently learned about.

So last weekend my work scored its employees 3 dollar Nat’s tickets.  I mean its baseball so I usually wouldn’t have gone because…. Baseball? Really?  But it was cheap and what the heck.

Check out the baby Washington Monument on the left in the distance!

Baseball’s a hard game to watch, because it’s about 5 seconds of excited and then you wait another minute or so and then there is another 5 seconds of excitement.  As you could have guessed, it was pretty hard for me to concentrate. But I’m not the best spectator for any sport (except cross-country, which is the best spectator sport, because it’s short and you get to run with them).  Still the game wasn’t completely pointless, I learned two very important things:

1. I spent most of the game playing LOTR movie trivia with my co-workers ten year old son. I was totally whooping his butt, except when he pulled out an extended edition question. Apparently Legolas and Gimli had a drinking contest and Legolas won! What! How did I not know this!? I really need to watch the extended edition.

2. This guy exists:
No one cares that he plays baseball.... people only like him for his beard. I assume.

Oh! Also, something I keep forgetting to mention: Anet Gingrich is here!  I’ve randomly ran into her a couple of times now. For example: last week there was a festival called the “H street festival” and it was raining like crazy! But sure enough, there was Anet, in running short and a thin-jacket, shivering to death. She had ran there (of course) and was completely unprepared for the torrential downpour which was the festival; but still happy as a clam. Miriam, Anet and I decided to go back home together (we would be on Anet’s way to her house). Without much convincing needed, Anet persuaded us to walk back the whole way. According to Google Maps, the quickest way is 3.3 miles; I don’t think we took the quickest way home.

But the next day we went to a Book Festival on the Mall. It was awesome. I listened to some authors that I've never heard of before talk. They didn't talk about their books… but about whatever the author wanted to talk about. My favorite was this graphic novelist named Lynda Barry. She was freaking awesome and hilarious! She talked a lot about how the arts aren’t just aesthetically  pleasing but they have a biological effect on us. Like apparently when we sing out loud and really get into a song, our Dopamine levels in our body go up. She was super interesting. Note to self that I’m putting on my blog: see if any of her graphic novels are in the library because I’m too cheap to buy one. At least at this point in my life.

Lynda Barry in all her fabulousness. 

So one of my co-workers, who is super awesome, got 2 tickets for a ZZ ward concert this weekend. But then she found out that the band she is in was actually playing this weekend too. So guess who she gave the tickets to? This girl! Now, I’m ashamed to say that before this week, I had never heard of ZZ ward. It’s really a shame, she’s great! Look her up. You’ll love her. But you know who else you will love? THE OPENING BANDS! They were freaking great too! You should also look up James Bay.  Also look up the Wild Feathers. Seriously you won’t regret it. They’re fantastic. But yeah! Last night was fan-freaking-tastic. Now it’s picture time:

Anne and I in line to see ZZ Ward! 

James Bay

 Wild Feather, nick-names I gave them from left to right:
(Cut out of photo) Mr. Smooth-Voice; Leadguitarist-no-one-cares-man; High-school-Haircut "but-I-don't-care-I-still-tried-to-make-crazy-eye-contact-like-I-did-that-one-time-with-Tyson-Ritter"-Boy: Beardy McSmileyNiceGuy
 Photo courtesy of Drunk Stacy. I guess this photo is our compensation for dealing with her bumping into us a lot while she crazy danced and spilling her drink on our feet.  
ZZ Ward! 

Also, I would like to dedicate this post and my last post to the videos “What does the fox say” and “Stonghenge.” Because it if wasn’t for those videos, I would not be writing to you lovely folks right now. I had left my computer on the kitchen table for probably 24 hours on Thursday, but the night before the burglary, I wanted to watch those videos in my room, so I brought my computer up. I owe my computer and my privacy to those videos. Thank you videos!  

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